EBF's New Open Forum - Audio
E Bible Fellowship's Questions and Answers Program has been renamed "EBF's New Open Forum." Below are a list of recordings in audio format.
Want to ask a Bible Question?
Call us by phone
You can call into our live New Open Forum program which is hosted Monday through Friday at 9:00 PM (EST) / 6:00 PM (PST), or on Sundays at 1:30 PM (EST) / 10:30 AM (PST). This Q&A program is in both video and audio format. For more details, please visit www.NewOpenForum.org

Post a question
You may also post a question in our Sunday Open Q&A group on Facebook at any time, and your question will be responded to on Sundays, Lord willing. Since starting our EBF Open Forum program, we've decided to limit any text question reponses to a few each Sunday evening, so it's much better to call in to ask a Bible question.
Sunday's Open Q & A -- All are welcome