The Church Age: 33 AD to 1988 AD = 1955 years
1955 breaks down to: 5 x 17 x 23
*Church Age ended in 1988 which was the 13,000th year of earth's history.
Jacob's entry into Egypt after the famine was 2 years in the land:
1877 BC (Jacob 130 years old) to 2033 AD = 3910 years
3910 breaks down to: 2 x 5 x 17 x 23
Or, to write it another way, 3910 = 2 x 1955 yrs.
**In year that Jacob was 130 yrs. old began a timeline which would go 2 x 1955 years until 2033 AD. Interesting connection once we compare the Church Age's 1955 years concluding in the 13,000th year of earth's history in 1988.