42:29 Acts 19;2 after saved, taught all things?
52:40 Jeremiah 51;45-46, "Rumor"
1:28 Psalm 90;10 Point to end of the world
17:55 Why Hell is not everlasting punishment
33:30 Leviticus 6;9-14 Law of burnt offering
40:36 1 Timothy 2;12 lawful for women pose questions
49:10 John 21;15-17 Peter's love questioned
2:16 The world turned to into the lake of fire?
17:23 1 Thessalonians 5;2 Thief in the night
32:51 1 Thessalonians 5;15, Isaiah 45;7, Sin accountability
41:59 John 21, Exodus 26 200 cubits
54:48 Isaiah 45;7 "calamity" accurate?
3:57 Ecclesiates 9;3
20:58 God is in control
37:02 Philippians 2;12-13 work out your own salvation
54:55 Psalm 89;35 God leaving the elect on the earth
2:30 God's divorce of national Israel spiritual or physical judgment
14:13 The bible opening up information concerning delayed drawing
30:26 The door shut, newborns?
53:14 Isaiah 26;20 hide in thy chamber, The Holy spirit, Declaring the truth
2:58 Is there a chance God did not finish His salvation of people yet- is there hope
16:08 Psalm 132;13-14 Zion, city of God and the eternal church
33:34 200 million saved Revelation 9;9
47:59 Genesis 7 The animals of the ark
54:46 God's divorce to Israel Romans 6;7
5:07 Construction of Solomon's temple, numerology meaning
26:15 John 17;20-23 being one with Christ
19:35 Does Isaiah 51;10 represent the crossing of the Red Sea, Jordan
34:31 The crossing of the Red Sea relating to May 21,2011; Revelation 21;2
7:34 If someone was saved and takes their own life (suicide)
25:34 Jonah 4;5-10
37:43 Job 14;12 and 22 Flesh pain, soul mourn Man not awakened out of sleep
41:51 Our mind cannot be trusted, kept under, Psalm 68;11-12, waiting on the Lord
57:56 Someone who dies in catastrophe
2:27 Is what's happening in Matthew 22:44 happening today, all enemies put under Christ's feet
17:18 Matthew 8;21-22 Let the dead bury their dead
32:52 2 Peter 2;1 How did Christ buy the world
40:47 Revelation 21;24 & 26 delayed drawing initiated?
46:27 Leah working to have children a picture of working for salvation
49:49 Caller comment the "Glorious Garden of Eden" book
50:51 Ezekiel 38 and 39 Gog, Magog coming against the camp of the saints, Judgment Day
55:40 Ezekiel 37;14 2 Kings 4;6 a delay in filling vessels
1:32 In Genesis, can the ark on the water a picture of prolonged judgment?
10:02 Isaiah 48;16, Isaiah 49;25-26 Captives taken away, God will contend, save, feed
15:19 The word remission, toleration Romans 3;25
26:51 Isaiah 30;19, Mark 13;11 God uttering His voice, the holy Ghost speaking
33:04 Psalm 37;4 Desires of the heart
45:57 John possibly written by Lazarus
5:48 "Adam When" book rounding up of cubits question
21:09 Assurance of salvation signs
32:28 2 Chronicles 20, no need to fight in this battle
46:24 Psalm 76;9-10 Do the unsaved confess and give glory to God
51:15 Our lives are like a demonstration that points towards a greater power, Psalm 19
1:09:39 Unseen and unknown translated as Hell in concordance
4:34 If the Law is on our hearts, does that mean they were under the hearing of the Word during the day of salvation
14:17 2 Peter 3, God is not willing that "any should perish" meaning
29:51 1 Peter 2;24, John 12;27 Glorified, and will glorify again
42:21 1 Corinthians 13;11-12, Revelations 6;1-3, when did the 7 seals open
57:27 Ephesians 1;4-5 Election, predestination true?
1:33 Caller comment, Allegation Harold Camping got it wrong, saving face
21:18 Spiritual Judgment, Thomas in the Bible, the natural mind 1 Corinthians 2;12
34:33 John 8;44 Satan described as a murderer
43:32 Proverbs 21;17 Loving pleasure
47:56 Caller comment, summarization of beliefs of eBible's ministry
52:47 1 Kings 7;23 Solomon's altar
1:52 13 year duration till 2033, practical advice to endure
34:11 Psalm 139;16 Luke 13;32 references to the first harvest
46:23 Why do people call him Jesus and not Yeshua
51:50 Romans 13;10 Love worketh no ill
58:24 Young children coming from the great tribulation?
1:06:58 Accepting Christ teaching
2:57 Psalm 35 Does the context point to our time in Judgment day
7:51 Matthew 24;36 Of that day and hour knoweth no man
35:29 Caller comment- re: the day or hour
37:13 John 14;10-12, James 1;18, Psalm 92;4-5, The work of God
51:48 Lot's wife spiritual meaning Genesis 19;15
1:00:35 1 Corinthians 15;52, Isaiah 54;8 The word "moment" meaning
1:23 Revelation 9;16 the word "thousand"
8:31 Ephesians 3;16 Believers rejoicing
16:19 Mark 13;32 Of that day and hour..."Neither the Son"
29:40 the 200 million
43:54 Job 14;22 The unsaved chained
51:29 The revelation of the judgment of God Romans 2;5 1 Peter 1;5
1:21 How do I know God has chosen me
11:31 Should true believers be voting at this time
26:13 Isaiah 58;13 is working on the Sabbath polluting the Holy day
38:12 caller comment- broadcast time
40:52 2 Peter 3;1 and verse 8, the word "beloved"
53:26 Isaiah 14;3 and 7 Christ ruling the world, God's people rejoicing
3:50 Outward physical signs of God ruling
18:59 Psalm 119;105, Matthew 25, The parable of the ten virgins
44:05 Psalm 71;18-20 Messianic Psalm, or or reference to the elect?
52:16 Caller comment, The grace of God
2:40 Isaiah 1;1 Isaiah 2;1 is there a difference of Isaiah's vision, word received?
9:41 Should the elect vote?
23:55 The book of John written by Lazarus?
31:18 Colossians 1;20 Christ's pre-eminence
37:28 John 4;23-24 could this language apply to the churches? Earthly Jerusalem/Samaria
48:16 Nehemiah 6;6-15, Significance of the Second month
58:21 In that day, the new Jerusalem, the foundation