6:50 The application of God's salvation at different times of one's life
14:22 Genesis 1;26-28 Made in the image of God meaning
31:11 1 Corinthians 6;1-4, Jeremiah 60;45 Satan deposed and Christ ruling, God's people judging
38:06 2 Chronicles 20;21-22 Singing praises, Judgment
4:28 1 timothy 3;1 Bishop's wife's conduct
10:57 1 John 3;8 Destroying the works of the devil
17:19 Revelation 20;4 Revelation 19;17, Christ ruling the nations
34:54 Is it wrong to eat out on Sunday at restaurants, go shopping
44:28 Luke 21;25-27 signs in the sun and moon, distress of nations, men's awareness
59:52 Why did the Philistines take out Samson's eyes Judges 16, Jeremiah 7;29
2:21 Do you think the church age a test for the attendees much like the garden of Eden
6:41 1 Chronicles 16;33 the trees of the wood sing out, expectation of the relief of the burden upon the creation, Romans 8;19-21
16:19 In judgment Day, appearing before the judgment seat, appearance of God's face hiding
29:33 Hebrews 11;4, Isaiah 54, God has not forsaken us, gifts of God
36:19 Luke 12;53 Physical, spiritual division, tempting Christ
47:03 Satan's power in this world, Isaiah 34;1-2 time to feed sheep
1:02:41 Why did God create the unsaved if they'll be destroyed in the end?
5:37 The purpose of testing Adam and Eve
20:51 Daniel 12;4 Knowledge increased in the latter end
40:20 Books written by men add to the Word and are not free, Matthew 10;8
48:34 1 Corinthians 8;2 Thinking to know anything, puffeth up, right knowledge, truth humbling
1:01:35 Satan wanted to be like God, getting his wish by deceiving man?
1:06:28 Exodus 25;14-15, Hebrews 9;3-4, 1 kings 8;7-9 staves taken out, Manna and rod meaning
1:13:46 How are believers to pray now for other believers and family
3:40 Cain's obtaining of a wife and it's purpose.
9:09 Revelation 7;9 John 12;13, Matthew 25;6 Palm tree correlation, praising God
16:15 Luke 9;62 Looking back in relation to Judgment day
29:29 Genesis 3;3 God did not mention touching the tree of knowledge, Eve did
34:14 Matthew 5, blessed are the meek
46:44 The national day of prayer discussed
51:08 Are men accountable/responsible for their disobedience
59:08 Jeremiah 15;15-16 Reproached for Christ's sake
1:05:36 Luke 7;37-38 Christ's feet anointed, John 12;3 it's spiritual significance, Luke 8;2 is this the same Mary of Bethany
2:38 Can we relate worldly events that match to the current season in Judgment day
14:08 Genesis 40;22 Butler and baker, poisoning discussion
22:46 The feast of Tabernacles and its' tie in to the 23 annual celebrations of this feast from 2011-2033
42:52 2 Kings 4;33 The child revived spiritual meaning
45:16 The end physically in 2033; will it be Spiritual again?
1:00:40 God sending a strong delusion on the world? Daniel 2;39
1:08:11 Compare Isaiah 54;7-8 1 Corinthians 15;51-52 are both covering the whole time period representing judgment day or the last trump, changed in a moment, "in" the last trump
1:00:40 God sending a strong delusion on the world? Daniel 2;39 what is the kingdom that will come in Syria and 3rd kingdom bearing rule
1:34 Matthew 17;21 Prayer and fasting
12:24 Wrong to have drums?
24:42 Garden of Eden, Ezekiel 28
32:14 Once saved always saved
43:02 Samson and Delilah
51:58 Genesis 3;1 The serpent,
51:58 Genesis 3;1 The serpent
3:45 Revelation 20;12-15 how does no eternal hell fit and the resurrection
19:42 Revelation 7, The great multitude
30:52 Why the translated bibles have whole verses changed around
40:03 Matthew 11;23-24 More tolerable Spiritual meaning, Matthew 5;29-30, the cutting off
45:53 Judges 4;23-24 Jabin's destruction and spiritual meaning of the battle of Deborah and Barak
54:07 Isaiah 21;9 Revelation 14;8 Meaning of the word "fallen"
1:10:16 Matthew 25;6 The ten virgins, The word "Midnight"
2:01 Genesis 10;25 Was the earth divided after the flood, penguins
6:32 Where was the ark exactly
13:43 Matthew 15;22 and 28 Daughter vexed with a devil
26:51 Mark 10 29;30, Houses, The inheritance of the elect
1:48 Do you know what the Hebrew date for Genesis 8;14 Second month, Twenty seventh day of the month
8:36 The ark door shut, the geography of Noah's Ark
17:50 Matthew 13;52 Joel 3;18, New and old, parables, mysteries sealed up
35:16 Revelation 18;1 1 Corinthians 6;3 Saints judging the world
44:36 2 Corinthians 1;9-10 6;10 sentence of death in ourselves
2:37 Mark 4;28 Could the earth here represent the heavenly earth Revelation 12;16
10:58 Revelation 4;6 Sea of glass, living creatures, Ezekiel 1;4
19:05 When Jesus received a flesh and blood body 1 Peter 2
34:40 Caller comment- eBible beginning
47:45 Caller comment
49:40 "Troubled" meaning 2 Timothy 1;8
2:00 Do angels have free will
23:06 Matthew 18;19-20 Two or Three gathered together, ask according to the will of God
43:59 1 Thessalonians 4; Chief messenger, Proofs of October 7, 2015
54:25 Luke 9;61-62 Looking back, pillar of salt
2:54 1 Corinthians 12;8 Spirit, understanding, knowledge
14:52 Truly saved, but commits self murder
29:36 Isaiah 49;25-26 Gospel to the world
53:57 Revelation 17;5 woman with mystery written on her head meaning
1:02:04 Matthew 5;13, Hebrews 10;29 trodden underfoot
0:26 Proverbs 8;23 Payment for sin
8:36 Job 5;17 and 24 chastening
13:05 67th book in the bible?
23:12 Genesis 8;22 salvation to the end?
44:40 Daniel 2;37-40 Nebuchadnezzar's dream
48:44 Does the Bible substantiate the prayer, "Having had mercy"
8:02 2 Chronicles 16;10 and 12 King Asa
22:58 Revelation 18;10 City Babylon
37:43 Revelation 19;17, Supper of God
39:48 Ezekiel 18;1-3 Children's teeth set on edge