35:15 John 9;1-6, John 5;14 A man blind from birth
45:23 Matthew 5 Blessed are the merciful
52:16 Matthew 10;41 The reward of a prophet differ from a righteous
56:04 1 Corinthians 15;27 He hath put all things under His feet.
1:36 Proverbs 27;5 pointing to Christ's death?
8:15 Zechariah 14;16, Great tribulation, captives in Babylon
28:35 Assurance of true salvation
40:24 comment on eBible video with timeline
52:53 Matthew 12;47 Christ asks, who is my mother?
2:19 Why is the church called the bride
13:24 The love of Christ
23:18 Are you saying the great tribulation happened and there are two tribulations?
41:35 John 21;15 "lambs" representation
48:21 Isaiah 60;5 the heart "enlarging" other translations using joy, or fear
50:34 Revelations 6;7-8 The fourth part of the earth being killed
58:35 Luke 2;32 and 36 Christ's events before His ministry
1:43 How much worse can things get on earth before the last day
14:33 Ephesians 3;14 The elect cannot be separated from God's love
27:21 Romans 2;29, Genesis 21;20-21 God's promise to Ishmael
34:08 Numbers 19; 11-14 Touching the dead unclean seven days, purification
39:08 World issues have substantially worsened
50:44 2 Kings 20;46 Division of Solomon's kingdom, discounting the timeline
1:44 Explain the eternal decrees of God
5:09 Prayer, talking with God
13:42 2 Timothy 3;16, Matthew 13;34 Parables and Scripture being profitable
17:06 2 Kings 6;28-29
25:36 Revelation 18:4 explanation
36:02 Explain Deuteronomy 28;53-56
45:08 Doctor's wisdom, 1 Corinthians 7;16
6:57 Matthew 24;36 Of that day and hour knoweth no man
24:54 Galatians 5;22-23 Fruit of the spirit
35:42 The day and hour
47:09 Psalm 104;29 Physical life, God's breath
49:14 Daniel 5, Satan destroyed
1:03:00 Luke 2;49 and 50, Christ about His Father's business
2:43 John 12;25 Being of good cheer, yet crushed by burdens
25:55 Colossians 3;11, Psalm 16, counting on Christ
28:22 Matthew 28;1 Missing the teaching of the Sunday Sabbath
56:53 Mark 13;32 Of that day and hour knoweth no man
1:49 Could the star of Bethlehem be God? Numbers 24;17
6:35 Isaiah 61 God gives His people beauty
15:58 Hebrews 2;9 A little lower than the angels meaning
24:08 John 12;27-32 Christ's soul troubled, payment for sin at the foundation of the world
34:29 Isaiah 66;20 and 21 Are God's elect manifested as an offering
36:07 Judges 14;2 Samson is pleased to have a Philistine for a wife
44:36 Marrying someone you may not love
55:17 2 Timothy 2;5-7 Striving lawfully, mastery
16:01 Genesis 21;2, well of water contention, Abimelech, Philcol
18:22 Galatians 6;1-5 Falling away, bearing burdens
24:53 Romans 1;4 When was the begotten son's beginning,
29:06 Acts 13;33 and 37 Two resurrections
34:00 Jeremiah 7;8-11 Casting the external church out of His sight
42:39 Isaiah 21;8 The lion in verse 8's meaning
46:56 Watchman sees the sword
59:11 Mark 14;34 May this cup pass from me
3:34 Caller comments, faithful ministry
14:42 John 5;28 Resurrection of life, damnation
21:14 Does God say not to smoke weed
32:59 Colossians 1;27 God would make known the riches of the glory and mystery
40:28 Luke 19;17 Faithful with little Esther 1;1-3
56:34 Job 7;7 The wages of sin is death, atonement for their own sin
4:25 Which judgment did the Father experience before 33A.D
16:19 Romans 10:4, Romans 7;22, Galatians 2;20
28:47 If a church has a problem with the doctrine of Christ being the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world
39:02 Exodus 20;7 Do not take the name of God in vain, false report
49:55 Compare Genesis 14;23 Jeremiah 38;6 shoe latchet, Hosea 11;4
53:58 The kingdom of this world has become of Christ, disasters Revelation 17;1
1:27 Explain the angels and man in Mark 13;32
21:21 Deuteronomy 28;53 & 57, Explain abortion
30:52 Revelation 18;2 Habitation of devils meaning
38:59 Mr Camping's teachings
56:04 Why does God have to avenge the blood on them that dwell on the earth
3:24 Ephesians 6;13 is this about Judgment Day
10:56 John 17;12-15 Christ's prayer to the Father, the evil, referring to the day of judgment
24:42 Have you heard about "heavenly impressions"
25:07 Praying for the unsaved Revelation 6;9 and 10
40:01 Romans 3;27 Fruit of the Spirit part of the law
58:22 Does the 13 times the Israelites march around Jericho point to the end of the world
1:54 Ark 900 feet long
2:53 Colossians 1;14-15 Was Christ the firstborn spiritually alive
9:44 God's control in circumstances, wrongdoing accusation
15:16 What is incarnation
19:46 Was Jonah saved
37:59 Is this the time for Armageddon? Will God do something really bad?
42:51 Psalm 90;10 threescore and ten days
48:13 Jonah 1;12 Jonah cast into the sea, Storm, compared with Christ and His disciples in the storm
55:14 Daniel 7;25, Time, times and dividing of time, The beast wearing out the saints
6:40 Will Christ make a bodily form appearance post May 21, 2011 and before the rapture
26:08 Is there any instance in the bible where a something doesn't actually happen, like Mother's feeding on their young, etc.
44:25 Jonah 4;1, Luke 15;28 The prodigal son, angry older brother Philippians 1;8-9
59:28 Will I enter heaven if I take organic/less-damaging drugs
1:05:55 Proverbs 25;2 It is the Glory of god to conceal a thing, It is an honor of Kings to search out a matter
7:58 Matthew 13;41 Angels sent forth to bring judgment
20:42 This spiritual war leading up to judgment day, is this Armageddon
42:28 Psalm 37;30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, The law of God in his heart.
49:23 How do we get to the year 1988
1:01:35 Ezekiel 38;21-23 Every man's sword shall be against his brother.
7:00 Genesis 3;6 16;2, and 33;4- Sarah's advice
17:03 Election, choice discussion
40:59 Deuteronomy 28;68 the final judgment day, physical fulfillment