3:21 How do we pray for someone we don't know, not knowing their name, etc.
7:51 Caller comment
20:56 Tie in between Ezekiel 40;5 Revelation 21;16 Luke 24;13, Measurements
28:00 Psalms 62;7-10 Contentment and trust in God
40:02 Can you explain where women should not speak on the pulpit 1 Timothy 2;11
51:46 Mark 13;32 is Christ referring to the cross, or the end of time?
1:04:32 Is it a sin to have a hobby, secular entertainment
1:35 Is it a sin to go to yoga class
4:35 2 Kings 9 in connection to the end of the church age, Jehu
21:34 Daniel 9;26 equivalent to first phrase in Daniel 9;27
30:35 Mark 4;15 Parable of the sower
45:32 Daniel 3;11 Nebuchadnezzar trying to be like God, false doctrines related to the bowing down of the image
53:43 Matthew 23;9 call no man your Father except your Father in Heaven
2:16 Should we be interpreting the end times literally re: the rapture and the end times?
20:53 Matthew 5;7 Blessed are the merciful... obtaining mercy
32:17 Were the exodus plagues targeted by God to bring down the Egyptian god's they worshipped?
2:28 Blessed are the merciful meaning in relation to those in churches
13:32 Psalm 1;5 Standing in the judgment
30:01 The churches coming under restrictions due to world events- judgment on the whole world
46:51 Does the Lord help us with our responses? Is it inspired
52:39 Lamb slain from the foundation of the world Isaiah 53;3-5
3:41 Are the elect the only ones who experience true spiritual life
17:23 Romans 13;1 Government
54:20 Will God punish me for marrying a person in the church?
4:59 Matthew 12;29 is the strongman in this verse referring to Satan
20:13 Is this ministry based on donations
31:47 Isaiah 14;12, Satan referred to as "son of the morning"
46:54 Mark 6;7, 10-11, shake off the dust off your feet
54:48 Isaiah 14;14-15 The sides of the pit meaning
7:19 Haggai 1;15, 2;15
35:48 Half the tribe of Manasseh
37:12 2 Chronicles 20 no need to fight in this battle
51:51 Romans 10:4
3:18 Is a badger used for a covering in the tabernacle
8:41 Revelation 8;10-11 Great star fall from Heaven
22:43 Compare the word "rods" Genesis 30;47, Jeremiah 1;11, Jeremiah 48;17
34:22 2 Timothy 3;1-5 19 transgressions listed, and it's significance
48:48 barren women in the Bible and it's meaning
53:40 Esther 8;1-2 the 2 door keepers Mordecai discovered
5:10 Daniel 8;14 Cleansing of the sanctuary linked to people leaving the churches?
15:23 Revelation 6, the 4 horses described
27:06 The parable of the rich man and Lazarus
41:28 Daniel 2;11 a "rare thing the king requireth" in Nebuchadnezzar's dream
58:01 Romans 13;1-2 Subject to higher powers
2:56 Parable of the rich man and Lazarus
24:19 1994 to 2033 A.D. related to wilderness sojourn
40:27 Solomon and his spiritual status in the Bible
54:14 Ecclesiastes 10;19 money answereth all things
55:38 Daniel 2;11, wise men, sorcerers, intellectuals?
4:58 Doing all things unto the Lord Colossians 3:24
27:14 Genesis 1;7 the firmament
33:15 Is Satan bound at this time?
52:03 Can the elect be appointed at anytime in their lifespan, Hebrews 2;14
3:35 Is the lake of fire physical or spiritual?
12:50 Mark 5;13 the 2000 swine represent 33 AD to 2033 AD?
18:41 Bold declarations of what we think to be likely or absolute?
27:23 Proverbs 22;26 debts, guarantees and pledges
29:49 1 Corinthians 13;9 God's plan re: revelation in the word of God
38:11 Ezekiel 46;9 Four points of the earth, why come from the north? Luke 13;29-30
49:28 Christ's kingdom ruling now
2:21 Would God ever put shame to an elect child of God when they are chastised
18:37 2 Corinthians 6;17 Come out from among them and be separate
33:16 Matthew 6;34 Listening to God to take no thought for our lives
44:11 Exodus 26;1, 7 and 14, Tabernacle, coverings, badger, ram skins
49:13 The ones that fall to try them in Daniel 11- is the king that exalts himself Satan, or some other picture?
59:33 Hebrews 12, the world seeks to shame the child of God
1:33 Could something major be manifest in 2029, apply to 2000 years ago with John the Baptist
14:44 Luke 16 Parable of the rich man
33:16 What does "Hasting" mean in 2 Peter 3;12
48:56 BC to AD, Y2K comparison
52:31 Who were the souls the Lord went into the heart of the earth for
53:50 2 Corinthians 11;4 Receiving another spirit you have not received
1:00:35 Why God uses the term dead corpses in 2 Kings 19;35
3:30 The souls by which the lord went into the heart of the earth
17:02 1 Corinthians 1;27 God has chosen the foolish things of the world
29:52 Daniel 4;37 Nebuchadnezzar's self-centered nature
34:05 James 2;15 John 21;7 The word naked, our state before salvation, church age
44:19 Deuteronomy 21;7 determining which boundary where one is killed
48:23 How does one know they are fully saved
58:21 How do we pray for people in the church/world
1:02:38 Caller comment re: tracting objectives/obstacles
1:08:40 2 Corinthians 7;9 & 10, Proverbs 11;2, pride, comfort, repentance
1:32 Explain the tribulation and the woe re: adding or taking away from God's word
9:20 Genesis 3;8 Adam flees from God's presence
26:07 Matthew 17;24-27 paying tribute, the world anxious for things of this world, money
33:33 Matthew 24 1 and 2, the desolation of the temple
45:06 Feast of ingathering, Jewish calendar, 2033
59:58 Matthew 13, Parable of the sower
1:03:12 Summarize the meaning of the 3 Old Testament Feasts
1:22 Question re: copyrighted material
12:46 Caller comment, feeling unsafe
24:23 Torment in Hell, eternal damnation
35:08 Ephesians 6;12, We wrestle not against flesh and blood
43:09 Revelation14;7 Fear God, The hour of judgment, Babylon's meaning
47:17 1 Corinthians 5;8 Exodus 12;13-14 prolonged fulfillment of Christ