Crown Him with many crowns,
The Lamb upon His throne;
Hark how the heavn’ly anthem drowns
All music but it’s own!
Awake, my soul, and sing of Him who died for thee;
And hail Him as thy matchless King through all eternity!
Crown Him the Lord of love!
Behold His hands and side.
Rich wounds, yet visible above, in beauty glorified.
No angel in the sky can fully bear that sight,
But downward bends His burning eye
At mysteries so bright.
Crown Him the Lord of life!
Who triumphed o’er the grave;
Who rose victorious in the strife
For those He came to save.
His glories now we sing, Who died and rose on high;
Who died, eternal life to bring,
And lives that death may die.
Crown Him the Lord of heaven,
One with the Father known,
One with the Spirit through Him given
From yonder glorious throne.
To Thee be endless praise, for Thou for us hast died;
Be thou, oh Lord, through
Endless days adored and magnified!
Crown Him the Lord of years,
The Ruler of all time;
Creator of the rolling spheres, ineffably sublime;
All hail, Redeemer, hail, for Thou hast died for me;
Thy praise shall never, never fail
Through all eternity!