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May you have a Blessed Christmas!

There are no 'New Open Forum' programs this week

No announcements at this time
Today's Sundays Open Forum today will start at 3:30PM
instead of the normal 1:30 PM slot. ET New York
 Special Open Forum tonight  The New Open Forum will be hosted tonight at 7PM New York
 Cancelled!  The New Open Forum is cancelled Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Home Bible study  This Saturday's Home Bible study at EBF's studio
has been cancelled due to personal reasons.
8:00 AM (PT) 11:00 AM (ET)  X (Twitter) Short Sunday study Hebrews 11 (#1).
Followed by a short Q & A.
3:00 PM (PT), 6:00 PM (ET) Biblical Timeline of History
3:00 PM (PT), 6:00 PM (ET) No Timeline episodes for a few weeks. Timline break.
4:00 PM (PT) 7:00 PM (ET)  Panel Discussion - Time has an End
5:00 PM (PT) 8:00 PM (ET)  Bible Reading
No Zoom sessions toinight
5:30 PM (PT) 8:30 PM (ET)  Enduring Until the End Episode
7:00 PM (PT) 10:00 PM (ET)  X (Twitter) New Open Forum (only on twitter)
3:00 PM (PT), 6:00 PM (ET) Biblical Timeline of History
3:30 PM (PT) 6:30 PM (ET)  Bible Reading
No Zoom sessions toinight
4:00 PM (PT) 7:00 PM (ET)  Enduring Until the End Episode
Sunday New Open Forum - 1:30 PM
Biblical Timeline Series - 5:30 PM
Bible Reading - 6:30 - 7:00 PM
Enduring until the End Program *New* - 7PM - 8PM

No Timeline Series or Panel tonight.
Panel - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Enduring until the End Program *New*- 8PM - 9PM
Sunday New Open Forum - 1:30 PM
Biblical Timeline Series - 5:30 PM
Miami Florida Schedule

Friday May 10th 2024

Meet Room: Key biscayne 2

11:00 AM: Announcements
11:15 AM: Bible Reading - Jeanrousseau
11:30 AM: Hymn Sing - Jerusalem The Golden
11:35 AM: Speaker Robert Daniel’s Bible Study
11:45 AM: Hymn Sing - Praise to the Lord the Almighty
11:50 AM: Hymn Sing - For the beauty of the earth
11:55 AM: Announcements - Jeremy Hewitt
12:00 PM: 1 Hour Lunch Buffet - Communal Table Area  
1:00 PM: Speaker Chris McCann’s Bible Study
2:00 PM: Hymn Sing - Babylon is Fallen
2:05 PM: 15 Minute Break
2:20 PM: Speaker Eddie Ramos’s Bible Study
3:20 PM: Hymn Sing - I Stand Amazed in the Presence
3:25 PM: 1 Hour Break, leisure time
4:25 PM: Hymn Sing - O God, Our Help in Ages Past
4:30 PM: New Open Forum
5:30 PM: Hymn Sing - Crown Him with many Crowns
5:35 PM: Hymn Sing - Bringing in the sheaves
5:40 PM: 20 Minute Break
6:00 PM: Dinner Buffet - Key biscayne 1 Dining Room
7:00 - 8:00 PM: Leisure time, Fellowship.

Saturday May 11th 2024

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Take Shuttle to Bayfront Park, Miami. Tract team can disperse in the area.

10:30 AM: - 12:30 PM
Take Shuttle to Miami South Beach & Mid Beach, Team can split up.

12:30 PM & Onward:
If time permits, travel to Hollywood Beach Florida,
and continue tracting there. Depending on travel times, some may leave
earlier in the day.

Panel - 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Enter Viritual Day In The Word Meeting →

Watch on YouTube →

Virtual Day In The Word: Sunday February, 23 2025 (New York ET Time)
Start times may be tentative

10:00 AM - Announcements/Opening Prayer by Harry Dysart
10:10 AM - Scripture and Song with Scripture Reading/Prayer by Guy Berry
10:20 AM- Introduce + Play #93 - I Will Sing the Wondrous Story

10:25 AM- Robert Daniels Bible study
11:25 AM- Introduce + Play #172 - Softly and Tenderly Virtual Choir
11:30AM- Introduce + Chris McCann Study – “Sitting Together With Christ #2”
12:30 PM- Lunch break + Break Video

1:45 PM- Introduce + Play #176 - Standing on the Promises
1:50 PM- Introduce + Eddie Ramos Study

2:30 PM - Closing prayer/music break

2:30 - 3PM- Introduce NOF, Music, Start New Open Open Forum

4:30 or 5:00 PM - Virtual Day In The Word Concludes
Close Announcements

Tracting Events Form

Scranton, Pennsylvania
(Contact us with email below to sign up)

Where: Scranton, Pennsylvania  
When: Saturday, March 8, 2025  
Event: St. Patrick’s Day parade

No Events to sign up for at this time.
← Upcoming Tracting event, click tracting form.
X Close
June Conference Sign up Form
Click Here To Sign Up

eBibleFellowship is hosting an upcoming conference from Friday June 21, 22 & 23. Please fill out the form below if you'd like to attend so we know how much food & materials to bring. Please list the total count of people coming with you, spouse, children, friends, etc, so we can get an exact count.  Also if you'd like a copy of EBF's new book "The Judgment Reign of Jesus Christ over the earth", check that option.


Open Food Excel Form
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EBF 2024 Summer Bible Conference Schedule

Friday June 21st
10:15 AM Announcements/Hymn/Scripture reading by Harry & Guy

11:00 AM Raymond Balchi Bible study

12:00 - 12:15 PM Snack & Coffee break

12:15 PM Chris McCann Bible study-Hell Comes to Earth

11:15 PM Coffee Break

1:30 PM Hymn/Tony domestic tract trips presentation

2:30 PM Dinner

4:30 PM Edwin Ramos study

15:30 PM Hymn /EBF Open Forum/ Closing prayer

Saturday June 22nd

10:15 AM Announcements/hymn/Scripture reading-Harry/Guy

11:00 AM Bobby Sibi Bible study

12:00 - 12:15 PM Snack & Coffee break

12:15 PM Chris McCann Bible study-Hell Comes to Earth #2

1:15 PM Coffee Break

1:30 PM Hymn/ EBF Open Forum

2:30 PM Dinner

4:30 PM Hymn/Robert Daniels study #1 Bible study

5:30 PM Closing prayer

Sunday June 23rd

10:15  Announcements/hymn/Scripture reading-Harry/Guy

11:00 AM Robert Daniels Bible study #2

12:00 PM Hymn

12:10 PM Chris McCann Bible study-Hell Comes to Earth #3

1:20 to 1:30 PM Snacks & Coffee break

1:30 PM EBF Open Forum

2:30 PM Lunch

4:30 PM Hymn & Edwin Ramos Bible study #2 & Closing prayer

Tiếng Việt


Schedule + Larger Player
May you have a blessed
There won't be a New Open Forum Episode tonight
It is a good thing to give thanks unto Jehovah, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
Psalm 92:1

EBF'S New Open Forum

A Live Bible Questions and Answers program!
Bible Question Finder
1099 Episodes & 5550+ questions archived!

Sunday - 3:30PM
Monday - Friday 8PM (New Schedule)
(New York ET)

Join us on X (Twitter) spaces Sunday nights at 10:00pm NY
Note: Best if used by mobile app.

NEW* Also join in at 8AM ET on twitter spaces for a short
bible study in hebrews and short Q&A.

Download for Apple:Download for Android:

New Open Forum Timezones

Mouse over your nation to see the time EBF's New Open Forum starts in your area. Full timezone page here
(one below not showing pop ups)
EBF International Times
🌐 EBF's International New Open Forum Times
Mon-Fri Start Time: 8:00 PM ET
Headquarters Local Time: Loading...
 ☏ Cards
Toll - Free (USA & Canada)
Call number below to ask a Bible Question on the New Open Forum!
888 - 969 - 9883
Dial *9 to raise hand.
Dial *6 to unmute
American Legion Millville, New Jersey
Join our in person "Day in the Word" in Millville, New Jersey. These are hosted on the fourth Sunday of the month during certain months.
220 Buck STREET, Millville, New Jersey 08332

The Biblical
Timeline of History

Take a look into the Biblical timeline of history found within the Bible, from the date of creation to the end of time, discovered by the late Harold Camping, as God had allowed him to, by unsealing His Word at the time of the end. This interactive graph will show key Biblical events, such as the creation date, when the flood occurred, the exodus, the laying of Solomon's temple foundation, and others.

You'll click on the numbered boxes to uncover the truths behind these dates, all discovered through meticulous study of the Bible. You will see just how precise and detailed the Author of the Bible is, the Almighty God.

The Biblical Timeline of History

EBF International Tracts

EBF's International Tracting Map

"Feed My Sheep!"

eBibleFellowship has continued to go on international tract trips to various nations after May 21, 2011, to follow God's command to "Feed My Sheep" with all the new teachings that are coming forth from the Bible.

Mouse over the map pins to see the different countries we have visited so far and click on them to hear reports of those trips.

Tract type:
No More Salvation.

In July of 2015 A Team was sent to Sao Paulo to hand out tracts.
Seville, Spain
Tract type:
Why Is the world so divided

In May of 2019 a team was sent to Seville Spain and then made their way to Madrid Spain.
Tract type:
Why Is the world so divided

In February of 2023 a team was sent to Manilla Philippines to hand out tracts.

Click to view video.
South Africa
Tract type:
Spiritual Judgment Day and no more salvation

In April of 2015, A team was sent to Johannesburg, Pretoria, South Africa to hand out tracts.
Tract type: Spiritual  Judgment day & No more salvation

November of 2014 a team was sent to  pass out tracts in Quito Ecuador and surrounding area's. This was EBF's first tract trip after May 21, 2011.

Welcome To  eBible Fellowship

We are a Christian organization not affiliated with any church or ministry

EBF Bible Banquet Miami Florida - Official Form

eBible Fellowship is hosting a 2 Day Event in Miami, Florida. (About 3 hour flight from PA, NJ, NY). Chris, Robert and Eddie will give Bible studies and there will be a lunch and dinner buffet.

Important: When booking your flight be sure to arrive before 12PM on May 10, to make the lunch buffet,
some have flights booked for May 9th so they arrive a day prior.

Schedule May 10th: Room is open 8AM, Conference starts 11:30 AM and will go to 7PM, we have the meeting room until 8PM. (We can't bring food into the meeting room or EBF will get charged for it)

12PM to 1PM - Lunch Buffet (Communal table Room)
1PM to 6PM - Bible Studies (schedule TBD) (Coconut Grove Room)
6PM to 7PM - Dinner Buffet (Havana Room)
7PM to 8PM - Free Time

Attendace update:
21/50+ Signed up
Additional 10 Might come

Friday May 10th, 2024: A Day In The Word Banquet at Hotel Conference Center.
Saturday May 11th, 2024:  Day Of Tracting

Miami, Florida

Lunch + Dinner buffet: $96
Hotel: About low $200 per night.
Flights: Around $150 - $300 range (check google flights)

We need to know if you would be interested in attending ASAP. If interested please let us know by filling out the form below.

LOCATION: Embassy Suites by Hilton Miami International Airport
Address: 3974 NW S River Dr, Miami, FL 33142

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About Us

E Bible Fellowship was named for the following reasons:
Electronic:We believe that the Lord has used the electronic medium (radio, internet, etc.) in a tremendous way to save a great multitude of people outside of the churches and congregations of the world. Now the task at hand is to, “feed His sheep” so that all those God has saved will be edified with the Gospel.

The Bible is our authority. No man made confession, or creed, or doctrinal statement of any kind has any authority above the Bible. We are living at a time when the Bible is being highly exalted by God. The Word of God is supreme in all it declares.

We are a fellowship of believers whose desire is to have fellowship with God through His Word. The Bible teaches us that the church age has come to an end; therefore, we have no affiliation or identification with any church or denomination of any kind. Thank you for visiting.

1 John 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.


Contact Us

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Schedule + Larger Player